1st Prime Shopper at Whole Foods
3:30 am
Perspective- Driving Pop’s Lexus, making minimum wage. (25)
Waking up at 2:30 am, takes work ethic.
1st Amazon grocery shopper in the store.
This is the last order I will take for Amazon.
I’m thankful for my time at Amazon, and it’s time to move on.

Do I remember the date I started college? Nah.
[Big Sean- Memories, Part II]
Do I remember the date I started working for some employers? Nah.
[Erykah Badu- Other Side Of The Game]
I’ll rather get stuff done earlier than later.
I don’t want to build computers. I like to use computers.
[Childish Gambino- Earth: The Oldest Computer (The Last Night)]
Working people built Chase Center. [Marvin Gaye-What’s Going On]
There are still stars in the sky. [Kendrick Lamar (with SZA)- All the Stars]
I’ll like to retire by 67. [Drake- Weston Road Flows]
In a year, I made 2k being a prime shopper at Amazon; working 12 hours a month, for a year.
Keep being a prime shopper because it generates income, you can work when you want, you only need to work 12 hours a month, and PTO is always automatically approved.
I would resign because I don’t want to do it anymore.
I would resign because I don’t love it.
I was born into money and came from money. Huh??
From immigrant parents.
Laser focus-mental discipline to lock in: drill, drill, drill
How am I suppose to get the experience if no one gives me my first job?
My first job experience was HipHopforChange, a non-profit, canvassing for donations, so black and brown people can gain access to resources to express themselves through Hip-Hop.
What makes me happy? Being the best person I can be.
Spent time on LinkedIn.
Spent time on Twitter, checking for Warriors content.
Watched Market Mondays
Worked on my dating profiles as well.
Key Performance Indicator: Happiness
Metrics: Gratitude
Peer-review: an evaluation tool
Coachability- get performance up, trust up.
Give me a number and date, and I can work towards that.
Quarter reviews- 3 months
Goal-Grow, 60 UPH
Prioritize purpose over metrics.
Is the momentum going up?
Good, steady growth.
Job performance- How good you are at your job.
(Metrics, numbers, revenue targets)
Trust- Kind of person you are at work, and not at work.
LP- Low performance
HT- High trust
MP- Medium performance
HT High trust
Who’s the assh*le? That’s possibly a worker/s with low trust.
Team- A group of people who work together on a regular basis
Preparing cart- Before clocking in.
Being punctual- Clocking in five minutes before shift
Labeling four bags- Before I get to staging.
Asking for help- prefer not to talk to team members.
Locating products- not on the map, prefer not to talk to team members.
Packing 124 items- lost the order. Still getting paid tho.