3 day weekends
Something had to click in my mind.
Like I ain’t got mild cp; like I ain’t Filipino?
Just remember I had to reject Apple retail jobs/ Tesla production jobs for this.
The structure shows where the limitations/boundaries are, and how far we can go.
I don’t meet the criteria of someone who has a mental health condition.
Apple recruiters want me to provide examples.
Can you describe…
The world has never seen me just focus on my work.
I got a lot left to pour into people and the world.
I can exercise daily.
When I was a kid, my brother and his girlfriend would ask me, “Do you want your own room?”
My extended family lived in my room before.
My cousins grew up, got a job, moved out, got married, and started their own family.
Sometimes it takes people in their early 20s, late 20s, and sometimes early 30s to move out.
Sometimes my uncle would stay over at the crib.
He would sleep on an air mattress, downstairs.
Sometimes cooking, mostly watching tv, occasionally picking me up from school.
I remember one time I got mad at my uncle and said he shouldn’t be here…
I thought he should be working, not watching America’s Top Model, on our air mattress.
This is for the person who sees no options out of the stack.
After I left Whole Foods, I said to myself, “No one is gonna schedule my time.”
Nordstrom taught me how to make my work last.
The benefits of a 3:00 am shift are no customers, and there is more room to shop in the aisles.
I trust my work will reward me 20 years from now.
GSW-part time (20 hrs), At-Will, $17.82
Hopefully, a 60k-80k salary follows it. (2023)
Nonnegotiable- 3 day weekend, be early