An American story
Bachelor of Arts, Communication, media production. CSUEB.
One of the most diverse colleges.
Taking online courses just to prove to myself I can do things.
// Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree
You’re not 17 anymore, dawg.
Not having ya life figured out ain’t cool anymore.
If you seen any of me, I’m tryna b happy
Throwing sh*t at da canvas, seeing what sticks…
When you walk into Kindergarten u just wonder why ma ain’t come w u in line?
When you walk into high school, u just wonder how really different is it from elementary?
When you walk into college, u know this is the last step of your schooling journey.
When you graduate college, u r happy 2b done.
And mostly proud to see your parents happy you made it thru school, and graduated college.
Binmaley, Philippines to California.
I’m w da anti-colonialism camp n anti-capitalist camp.
at least some of my digital self is. i think
& i believe in reducing my carbon foot print 4the environment.
& i believe poc create the culture every1 hops on to monetize.
i can be a poet, director, video editor, and make things.
High school diploma to college degree.
To non-profit canvasser. (1 day) // HipHop4Change // perfected speech + authenticity
Quit: Mental health reasons
They told me to keep the shirt; I donated it, after my tires blew out, on the road.
To dishwasher. (4 months- Pandemic) // Whole Foods // the rhythm of the dishroom
Quit: #StayHome, slow the spread, and flatten the curve
To U.S. 2020 Census, I worked there for a week, it was the easiest $800 I made, doing mobile training. I struggled with passing the test, and had to do some extra training in person. I started a day earlier than the day we were set to officially start, it didn’t go very well. On my last stop, I was able to complete the census for one family though :’)
After, I went home. The next day, I met with my supervisor at Starbucks, and had to put my resignation, in writing. He was like, “Sorry, it didn’t work for you…”
In my mind, I was like, “Yes, I’m so happy, to go back home, and chill at da crib.”
To personal shopper. (1 year) // Amazon // grocery shopping
PART-TIME. I quit on Indigenous People’s day, 2021.
& warehouse worker. (2 months) // Nordstrom // putting things in box, and counting.
PART-TIME (June 2021)
Quit: HR wanted to make me a cashier, that paid less; so I transferred, and then quit, my 1st day at the store.
… And I always wanted to work for the Warriors.
To arena worker. ( 1 year) // Golden State Warriors // way-finding, greeter, checking tickets, set up giveaways, break down boxes PART-TIME
Quit: We won a championship, and guest experience team helped me get a salary.
To front desk. (Current) // University // way-finding, greeter, mail, packages, submitting work orders, sending emails, answering inquires about building, scheduling meetings, making sure things are working properly.