back when i couldn’t afford whips
back when I couldn’t see myself ever affordin’ whips.
my parents with me when i bought my first car in 2024.
after a year of working full-time.
helped me put the down payment on cause bank know limits.
- useful skills, w gratitude.
Some banks let us withdraw more than 1 band// a day (WF)
“Meditation is to the brain is what exercise is to the body.”
Constructive forms of negativity
- Improve market value by constantly learning and growing, ‘if anybody ever tries to tell you who or what you should be; do not listen to that person’ advice
- Things that bond communities together
- Lifelong rituals, context that’s enduring
- Surface level information (news, social media)
Value to the group more broadly.
‘Project to be optimized.’
‘A commodity that needs to improve their market value by constantly learning and growing.’
‘Above and beyond and laid off.’
‘Do people wanna work with you?’
You can’t compare who’s better on the team to give promotion, if they have different roles (apples, oranges)
Negative power- should
Positive power- can
“We turn ourselves into a commodity with market value.”
“If there’s ever a moment where they’re not spending their time being as productive as they possibly could towards making themselves more valuable, they’ll actually feel bad about it.”
“Everything we learn is not just learning anymore, it’s an investment in yourself.”