A car pulls up bumping Nip.
Steph runs 3 miles per game, and slows down his heart rate.
I missed one day of exercise after a month and a half of exercise.
It’s been challenging to sleep for the 2nd night in a row.
Waiting on friends to ft me back.
My diet can be better.
I slept better with my phone off, laptop off, and no alarm.
Will I have to shave every day? Look good, feel good.
Shower when I’m going out.
Dedicate yourself to training.
Confidence is everything.
If I’m not confident I’m gonna get destroyed.
If I don’t believe in myself, the battle is already lost.
When motivation runs low, discipline takes over.
Call me a problem solver, cause money and problems a package deal.
Making someone important, but you not important to them is torture.
— Big Sean
Calculated messaging- 2-second acknowledgments, pivot points, specific calls to action to focus on. Map out the next 20 years of my life.
Practice makes perfect. Harden didn’t come in the league with a stepback 3.
Mentally strong enough to play the game, and accept losing.
Lead by example, first to show up. Working after practice.
Made it a habit to exercise daily, for weeks. Morning walks. 5:45 am
Learn to live with butterflies. Strong enough mentally.
If you can’t shoot, do something else; pass, rebound, defend. GPII
If you don’t take an open shot, your team can become out of rhythm.
Breakthrough whatever you’re going through mentally- work through it.
I’m getting some nature before my shift starts.
Grinding all my life.
I remember being so unhappy about working in the fall of 2021.
I didn’t want to be in IT class, either. Sh*t’s so boring!!!
I would tell friends, I would rather sky-dive 🪂

By 2025, I desire to be truly and genuinely happy.
If I’m not, I plan to schedule more things that lead to positive emotions.
I can’t see myself waiting to refresh an app at 6:14:58 pm, to pick up a shift, every day. That feels too lonely. October 2020- September 2021.
I left to pursue an opportunity with the Warriors, my favorite team :’)
September 2021- September 2022.
I haven’t been good to start the month of November (2021).
Haven’t been walking daily. I wake up too late when the sun is already out.
In a pandemic, I quit my job as a dishwasher to #StayHome, flatten the curve, and slow the spread. I had a temporary position in line for the 2020 Census as a canvasser (08.2022), but I didn’t enjoy it.
Also, in April 2021, Nordstrom recruiters reached out to me through Indeed, so I applied and got the job.
They wanted me to transfer or resign, so I transferred and then resigned.
(April 2021 — June 2021)
When I had the chance to come back to Whole Foods as a dishwasher, I didn’t wanna face the possibility of getting rejected. (October 2020)
While I was at another job orientation and started working part-time at the same Whole Foods, as a Prime Shopper; my co-worker Manny egged me to talk to my supervisor about coming back, but I didn’t.
Instead, I worked the minimum amount of hours for a year, to stay employed at Amazon. Then, I left to become a Guest Experience Rep for the Warriors. I was fortunate to have landed in the Golden State Warriors organization; and within a year, they helped me get my next job.
What helped me land a full-time salary with a good benefits package
- Therapy; helped me contextualize work and self-worth, friends- lean on, family; my brother helped me with my resume, supportive family
- All my work experiences helped prepare me to be ready for the opportunity and gave me examples to share in interviews.
- Poor interview with the Warriors when applying to be a receptionist
(Reading pre-planned answers off my laptop no matter the question)
- Referrals in the Warriors organization (Tori, Caleb, and David)
HipHop4Change- $15 per hour, only employers who would hire me.
Whole Foods- $15.50 per hour, deep work.
2020 U.S. Census — $25 per hour, this ain’t it.
Nordstrom Warehouse- $18.75 per hour, part-time. assembly line
Golden State Warriors- $17.82 per hour, part-time. sports industry
University- Salary, full-time, good benefits package
To be continued… ❤️