I Quit.
I felt overwhelmed before day 1, because I looked at PowerPoint, and was overwhelmed with computer terms.
The class was ok. Went over PowerPoint.
Feel less overwhelmed about the material.
I think I could do this if I want to…
I don’t think zoom meetings should be four hours long.
At most, zoom meetings should be 1.5 hours.
IT language
Day 2
IT is a boring subject.
4 hour zooms are hard.
I quit NPower.
Be early.
40-minute commute to SF.
Laying on the table w my head down, before work.
It ain’t supposed to feel like this…
Sad, feeling loneliness, and isolation.
No one checking on me.
Arena workers, low on the org chart.
I was hoping friends would reach out to me before I started my new job, offering encouragement and support.
Instead, I looked up at the ceiling during my lunch break, laying on a bench, dreamin’, thinking about my life. (We don’t take 30s anymore)
It’s clear I don’t care anymore about school setting environments and taking boring IT classes. Don’t care about 4-hour zoom meetings, learning about IT, got me messed up. One thing I dislike about zoom is the bell notification (sound) when people have entered the meeting, they should just remove that feature. I don’t want useless computer terms/ IT language to take up bandwidth in my head.

Check emails: 11 am
Instagram: 3 pm