Sometimes I feel I failed my parents

They invested thousands of dollars in my education and I make less than 3k a year.
Failed to get an interview for GSW production assistant.
Regardless, I was hired by the Warriors, in another role.
Failed to stay employed at HipHopforChange, Whole Foods, US Census, and Nordstrom.
I quit HipHopforChange for my mental health.
I quit Whole Foods because I wanted to #StayHome, flatten the curve, and slow the spread.
I quit the US Census because it’s not important to me.
I quit computer technologies training.
I quit Nordstrom because they didn’t want to see me eat.
Failed at selling call options when they were up.
I tried to grow my money, in the quickest way possible. I went for it.
I could have profited, but I held out for a higher gain.

Failed at making money every day (work).
I don’t shop for people’s groceries every day.
16 weeks, intensive. I quit this too.
Can I be successful in things I’m disinterested in?
Overwhelmed by terms on powerpoints, falling asleep during it videos
I don’t think I could do this. It’s challenging, overwhelming, boring.
I don’t see the point of it. IT.
I checked out after the quiz. I was DONE.
Sometimes I feel I failed my parents because with all my education (private school + college degree) I make less than 40k a year.