Growth mindset
“I just wanna wake up on CP time!” — Solange
Check-in - intention setting- emotional maturity
“I put in my time and hit it with all I got.”
“It takes time, it takes work, little steps to get better”
I can grow my ability cognitively. Keep going, keep learning.
Starting at the beginning- building blocks- fundamentals-foundation
Focus on things I know.
What comes next? Investment space…?
How does a business use the money it invests to benefit its customers?
Build a better product, push the envelope, make it accessible for people, and make sure your team is happy.
It has to feel like a world, and feel like it can exist at any time. Timeless.
How can I use my platform to build something of value that grows over time?
Endorsement money- liquidity (also build something of long term value)
Weight training
Make 1000 shots per day (Specific shots)
Can he be more than what he does on the court?
(1st love-basketball)
“Just stay the course, keep on improving and keep on working on things” -Kobe
Suck it up and play. You gotta be on, man. — Kobe
“I’m not gonna fold. I’m not gonna crawl up in a ball. I’m just not gonna do that.” -Kobe
A lot of customers pay their hard-earned money to have me pick their groceries. it’s my job to perform.
A lot of fans pay their hard-earned money to watch Warriors basketball, it’s my job to perform.
Patient approach (build it up)
Recognize land-minds, pitfalls, and setbacks that could be avoided.
Smarter, sharper team
“You have to rely on others in order to have success as a group.”
Dedication, passion, empathy
What can I change? (What can I do differently?)
What are others going through?
How are others feeling?
Understanding other people’s journeys.
Empathy towards opponents helps you destroy them quicker.
Understand exactly who they are, what they went through, understand what buttons to push. Hit those buttons and strike that nerve.
Do companies line up with the brand it represents?
The best way to separate things is to do the work.
That builds credibility and trust.
Absolute truth- true to who you are as a person
How do you communicate that narrow focus in a way that connects that through-line to every single person in the room?
The product brings something of value to the world.
Cut costs, without sacrificing quality.
Depends on how you look at it.
The investment industry and storytelling industry.
“Everything we do here, you know, the foundation was built before I got here.” — Coach Steve Kerr
“Every time I got on the floor, it’s an opportunity to do something I’ve never done before.” — Stephen Curry, 10.19.2010
Maturity level expanded, he’s grown up and he’s accepted responsibility (Larry Riley comments on Monta Ellis regarding rift with Stephen Curry)

Match the vibration, and we’ll see.
It’s as simple as not having parking for the reason I didn’t interview to be a Tesla Production Associate.
It’s as simple as Tesla’s address not leading to the building I’m supposed to interview in, on Apple Maps.
I don’t just want to be another number at Tesla.
It was never my dream to work at Tesla.
Another reason I don’t want to work for Tesla is because that white Tesla didn’t give money to the unhoused person on the street with kids.
Went to the Tesla factory, and they had a lot of Teslas in the parking lot, like clockwork. But it’s just a Tesla. That’s it. The workers make Tesla what it is. That person hyping up Tesla makes it what it is.

Vaccine card: Chase Center, Somar, Audio SF, Sp2 Communal Bar + Restaurant
Not checking: Golden 1 Center, Asian Art Museum
I can make 6 figure views on Youtube, multiple times, and I can do it again.
I can make 7 figure views on Youtube as well, one time, and I can do it again.
I can get 1k subscribers and I can do it again.