Steph played 36 mins, opening night.
Kerr said he’s already in condition to play 34 mins. True.
Dray played 29 mins.
Kerr said he’s not ready for 35 mins yet. True.
Wiggins plays for 25 mins.
Kerr said he’s not ready for 35 mins yet. True.
Poole played 25 mins. He gave a scoring punch in 3rd.
Kerr put Poole with Otto, Nemanja, Andre, and Lee.
Nemanja was a +20 on the floor (15 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists)
Nemanja and Otto both made a three tonight.
He makes plays and is gritty on defense.
JTA gave the team more defense and made a three. Played for 12 mins.
Poole- 20 points in 25 mins 4/11 3PM
Shot more 3s than Curry in fewer minutes.
Curry took 8 threes, made 2 of them, but had a triple-double, first, since 2016.
Andre played 22 mins. How many minutes does Kerr want Andre to play?
Chemistry is solid. Execution is a different animal - Steph (10/19/21)
Important play- Bjelicia to Wiggins for 3, 84–87.
Important mins in 4th Steph, Lee, Wiggins, Green, Bjelicia.
Grit + hitting shots lineup:
Andre is not gonna play every night and he’s not gonna play 20 mins every night. — Kerr
Gameplan, calm, reassuring.
Steph generated an advantage by passing out of the double teams by the Lakers, and the Warriors played 4–3 in the 2nd half.
Beli makes the game easier for everyone else.
Ball movement, pace, and spacing.
Andre Iguodala Minutes Watch
Andre played 22 minutes in 1st game.
Andre played 23 minutes in 2nd game.
Warriors weaknesses: Turnovers, offensive spacing against a physical defense.
Warriors are starting off as a great rebounding team in, 1st two games.