Happy Birthday
Wake up. 10 pushups. Stretch.
Brush my teeth, walk for 30 mins outside, move cars so I can get a haircut.
Birthday texts from friends/family.
I’m grateful for my brother giving me a haircut on my birthday.
I showered and shaved; made myself breakfast.
Breakfast- Oatmeal. Strawberries. Bananas. Avocado toast. Grapes. Eggs.
Lunch- Salmon, rice, asparagus, chocolate, baked goods, mushroom coffee.
Family over to say happy birthday and gift me a red ribbon mango cake.
Friends sending me a fruit arrangement from edible. so sweet of ‘em.
Enough to boost me from a 5 (baseline content) to a 7 (small bump)
Family comes over to eat and watch NBA playoffs.
Birthday dinner at Evvia, with my family.
Go to bed with the positive feeling of gratitude.
Went through those, a lot.
I coped with short term happiness.
Build up (stress) — high (feels good) — come down (feeling like you’re alone)
Sleep is one of the most productive things you can do.
Sleep by 10:30 pm, by the latest. (7–9 hours of sleep)
5 seconds gazing at the sky, when I’m outside.
Going to sleep before midnight 4x more productive for my health.
I feel my desires, vibrating like I already gratefully attained them and I am happy ❤
Coachella, one of the most popular music concert for artists, and Frank uses his platform to put the phrase, “Heaven is guiding.”