I don’t believe in reincarnation.
I don’t think I’ll get another shot at life, either.
I don’t think I’ll be able to do life, again.
I don’t believe my championship is in basketball; it is in family, friends, community, and becoming the best person I can be.
I don’t believe in drinking, I believe in having a good time for friends.
Like I’m not on Twitter at 12 am after the Warriors win the championship, and digesting content. // I need more tho.
Like I don’t know what I’m doing. At 26.
So many shots, like Game 6. (21–0 run) //shots, shots, shots//
Could be kombucha beer, mango cart, or multiple flavors of suju.
Like I don’t spend weekends, drinking passionfruit alcohol and smoking blueberry pre-rolled blunts.
Like I ain’t taking 4 shots of Hennessy before we uber and Bart to the 2022 championship parade.
Like I don’t skip out on being part of the spectacle (parades) because I find sharing the moments with friends as important as sharing it with the people you work with.
I think parades are an excuse for everybody to get drunk.
The high from drinking is short-term. Usually, end up being hungover.

Like I’m not up at 12 AM after a Saturday, hanging out and drinking with friends. There has to be more to life, man. I need more out of life, man.
Kinda don’t find any purpose in anything professionally.
Kinda don’t wanna be a bum. (I’m broke, I care mentality)
Kinda don’t want to b a petty capitalist either or labeled a socialist/commie.
The high from weed is temporary too. Usually, ends with a comedown.
Like how I’m quick to give up after trying dating apps, even though I invested money in them, temporary too.
I usually have a hangover, after I drink alcohol.
Advancing my skills
Convo starters-reading
Wake up early, show up early, and do the work.
On the weekend, I was reading work emails. I thought an email from the organization I work for was a marketing email for all fans and not reserved only for team members 😂
I’m grateful to go with friends tho. yeet
I think I can be creative, similar to jsquared.
Cause I feel like that’s me doing my own sh*t.
and making my own path.
doing my own thing.
“I care about what people think”
//(Oh, you worried ’bout a critic? That ain’t protocol — Kendrick Lamar)//
Filipino American
Diplegic Cerebral Palsy
Working in guest experience.
I am already counted out.
Advancing my skills.
Convo starters through reading.