Pre-pandemic; circa 2020.
I know dishwashing gloves when I see them…
I’m brought back to days I worked at Whole Foods.
I just remembered we have dishwashers at Chase Center.
A few co-workers are buying jerseys for family friends, significant others.
My co-workers say I have a lot of people to shop for, for Christmas.
Some of my co-workers don’t want to work graduation because the call time is early but most importantly, they don’t want to see people get their degrees when they didn’t. Lol
I’ve been spending big bread this December on dummy purchases and it’s only the 10th…
I think eating better will make me feel better…
Do companies give their products to entertainers for them to wear at their concerts? That’s free promotion and marketing of their products, and some fans might even purchase it.
I spend money like I have a lot of it. I like the mindset tho. Abundance!
I know a co-worker that is retired but he’s still working because he wants something to do, he works two part-time jobs in the sports industry.