Interest, Dividends, Real Estate, Businesses
Education- reading, writing, arithmetic, professional, financial (24/7)
Real estate
Business: Jobs- Apple, Gates — Microsoft
Real estate- rental units
Paper- Stocks, funds, savings
Commodities- gold, silver, crypto
Assets- put money in ya pocket whether u work or not → income
Liability- takes money from ya pocket, from income → liability (financial diarrhea)
Cash flow-
I desire to quit my job because I’ll like to have time to myself.
What are the reasons I desire to work for myself
Create sources of income repeteadly so I can get to the point where I work for myself.
Do it over and over again.
I know I I ain’t escaping shit working part-time.
Prove to myself I can make money on my own. Repeatedly.
1. How much money do I take home?
2. What I spend my money on to live?
3. How quickly I can get to a place where I don’t have to work a job?
Can I make a 60k a year making content?
Top 5 retailers/discount stores- clearance- resell on fb marketplace, Etsy, depop, or Ebay.
//Houses are liabilities (mortgages)