“You’re always allowed to be better.”

1. Get better
Have a schedule, budget, eat and sleep well, notice how you feel.
2. Focus on what’s important
Living, one day at a time, breathe.
3. Human-to-human communication
It’s important to support my friends and family, and strengthen relationships.
4. Time block
Practicing for years and years.
5. Gratitude
The best thing I could do right now is believe in myself, put in the work, do the best I can, at this time. This is the investment in myself.
Curry, in the best shape, 34 mins a game from jump.
It took Dray 3 games, to get to 34 mins a game.
Wiggins is not there yet.
Andre got a rest after 2 games.
Embrace your role. The sky’s the limit. — Mike Brown
Jordan Poole wants to get better.
Quickness, length, physicality, defensive understanding.
Damion Lee worked his tail off to be an NBA player. His work ethic and mindset got him there. Always in the right spot, offense and defensively. — Mike Brown
I feel like Beli.
Go to the corner and be a spot-up shooter, I’m better than that.