Remote first
I asked Andrea Valeria on zoom about creating her own path and what she’s most grateful for:
Control your days.
Do something you love.
Changing someone’s life.
Passive income.
I think having a disability, it would be best for me, to work from home.

I spend the most time on Google Chrome, and I can lose track of time online. I enjoy this because I like my lollygag (leisure) time. Has anyone ever got paid for this? I don’t know.
I think I’m ok with editing videos on Final Cut Pro. I enjoy this because I like creating. Has anyone ever got paid for this? Yes
I think I’m ok at Google searches because I can find free events that pertain to the Golden State Warriors. I enjoy this because I’m a Warriors fan. Has anyone ever got paid for this? I don’t think so, at least not yet.
“To see the bottom means the top is just as real and just as attainable.”
10 toes down or I’m out.
Burned me 2 times in the stock market.
Both in stocks and in calls.
I got wins on the way, in bulk.
What’s that? Thousands on thousands.
But I’m out cause I ain’t believe in it.
I got my first smartphone in high school.
I played Runescape and NBA 2k as a kid. Video games are fun.
After school, I would watch TV. (Bob the Builder) (Boy Meets World) (NBA)
After I came home from class in high school, I would be on Twitter, especially at night when I couldn’t sleep.
The way I flip jobs is the way college students flip majors
Especially in a pandemic like 2020, lol.
I couldn’t yet understand how some students couldn’t stick to one major.
They have one job, pick a field and stick with it, or else pay more money.
Robinhood and WeBull could be better, and I mean that, forreal.
I always dreamed about making more than $15.50 an hour.
I know my worth. I know I can do much more.
“If they paid you to do it, you don’t gotta ask what you worth.” — Childish
Sometimes we gotta play roles tho, at least for a min, to show ’em u can.
“You’re always allowed to be better.”