SBJ I FACTOR: Brandon Schneider Summary
Sports industry.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
“I’ve done this here, so I could do it there.”
More than work ethic, experiences, or what you did, it’s substance.
TV, tickets- revenue streams
Numbers don’t lie.
Data needs to inform.
It’s who you know.
Follow up, do your due diligence, can you sell?
Get your foot in the door, grow.
How is a person going to get their first job if no one is going to give them experience?
Can this get me a convo/interview?
The better you do, the more money you make.
Everything in life has a sales component.
People have different fulfillment.
People have different things that make them tick.
Let people do their jobs.
Everyone’s got a voice.
Consensus builder.
Think across the organization. (Entire organization)
Nail your current job- think more broadly about how you can have an impact on the overall success of the organization
You’re almost doing the next job before you get it.
Passion, intellectual curiosity.
How are they supporting their answer, can you think of it differently, what’s next?
Know about the person, how you do your job, why you have been successful?
Focus on doing the very best you could at your job.
Be a team player.
Most people want to make more money and grow professionally.
Think about what’s best for the organization, and how you can be as much of an asset to the organization.
If you do well, it would only help you get more responsibility, and the opportunity to grow within the organization.