The Last Dance
Tired of working minimum wage (2022, 26)
“What’s your full-time?” asks Laura, my third party co-worker.
I spent too much time online.
Before my full time -
Mon-Th, wake up, brush teeth, work on something professionally for 2 hours, break for 2 hours, repeat.
Breakfast- After dropping off niece to school (If Wed, free time)
You can start messaging people: 11 am
Emails: 11 am
Eat lunch/relax- 1pm-3pm
Eat dinner- 5pm-7pm
Be done with electronic communication by 4 pm.
Be in bed by 9 pm.
After doing things professionally, do not take things home.
Personal life- family, friends, dating
Work- calling, a reason to keep on.
- Are you sleeping well? Could be better
- Are you eating well? Could be better
- Are you leaving the house and being social? Sometimes
- Is your work going well? Could be better.
- Are you physically active? Not making time to exercise yet.
Limit social media to 30–60 minutes per day for better mental health.
Spend three to four hours daily without any screens.
Stop using screens at least an hour before bedtime for better sleep.
Make it challenging to get to electronics so it’s an extra step to get it.
I may not the only person up after work at 2 am, unsatisfied with their life and job.
Fake love is parking at a meter with no signage and chillin’ in your car for more than an hour before work, and not hearing a peep … but after I get off, they be leaving $80 tickets, talkin’ bout citations… FOH
A white CEO making meatless Filipino dishes, call it vegan cultural appropriation, Veggie Grill.
when the bag don’t sleep
tired of work- but u still working, bro.
I gotta use every ounce of my light-skin privilege to go as far as I can.
How did I get info before social media? Didn’t care, just lived my life, went to school, did my homework, completed school obligations, went to family occasions, sometimes hung out with my friends, used the internet mostly, etc.
How’d I get music before streaming? Ipods, limewire, youtube.
But I didn’t care, just went to school, did my homework, completed school obligations, and hooped.
My parents want me to be happy, have a good job, love and care for my brothers, show up for family, hang out with friends, and have a Filipino partner.
Tired of working when I DON’T WANT TO WORK.
But I still put my work in.
Is it falsifiable that I do the bare minimum at my job?
Yes, I show up 2 and a half hours before I need to clock in.
my life before youtube, basketball.
my life before runescape, myspace, gaia, and aim- school.
my life before the internet- school
my life before school, tv.
my life before school and tv, family.
spending too much time on the internet and spotify.
I don’t have the bandwidth to work 4 straight days of physical labor.
My legs get sore and tired.